
Anton Rogl

Water, washing clothes
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
In each group a free fountain has been. In large village over there, since there are many, about 40 houses, so it is indeed big village. Because that was the old - the center over there. Since no farmers have been. They were .. above, but not here. And in the great over there, there's a large fountain - ... As was then washed. First of all, they have it at home a bit - reflective with brine, ash, which was probably warm - at first pre-washed once. And because it was so washed up at the trough and beaten with the - with such attacks and just gone ahead, there's was always tapped out. And then washed again, and then actually hung on the balcony. - - - And the animals from the farm - there was no water in the barn. This was twice driven to the trough to the water trough. In the early evening feeding and feeding. The animals knew exactly as they were discharged from the chains of the door out and had to sometimes go maybe 100 or more yards. But that was normal. And then they have been drinking, and then they are not home. - - - They have been soaked twice. The sheep, because one has a bucket of water can come twice a day provided that they also drink. The sheep you have not left out because they did not need so much. And the sheep pen was usually a bit smaller - and only one space. But separated.